“I create make-up with love and passion”

Nata e cresciuta in provincia di Bergamo, scopre il mondo del make-up nel 2016 grazie alla truccatrice ed insegnante Samantha Peluso, con la quale muove i primi passi nel mondo del trucco.  

Grazie a Samantha e alla sua accademia CRISAM di Verona ha conseguito i certificati di make-up beauty, make-up artistico e make-up sposa, iniziando cosi a truccare per i primi matrimoni ed eventi. Ottiene successivamente le certificazioni “Essential of Beauty” ed “Essential of Hair” con l’accademia MUD make-up designory di Milano e l’attestato di “Visagista ed estetica del viso” con l’accademia BCM di Milano.  

Partecipa a masterclass di settore con i grandi professionisti del make-up sul territorio nazionale ed europeo, come Omar Turrini ,Chiara Bullo ed Iryna Soroka, con i quali consegue le certificazioni “Advanced Technique” , "Shape&Colour" e “Bridal&Creative”.  

Specializzata in make-up sposa, proprio in questo ambito esprime al meglio la sua capacita’ di ascoltare i desideri delle clienti; entra in empatia con le future spose e crea sui loro visi l’armonia necessaria per sentirsi a proprio agio. Con la stessa motivazione e passione, realizza make-up per shooting fotografici professionali.  

Collabora con Francesco De Sole e la gioielleria AlexArte - Essenza di donna di Noceto (PR). Ermelina ricopre inoltre l'incarico di beauty-consultant per il brand cosmetico Eucerin nell'area di Parma e Reggio Emilia e svolge l’attività di dermoconsulenza estetica per i brand VICHY e La Roche Posay.
She discovered the fascinating makeup world in 2016 with the makeup trainer and makeup artist Samantha Peluso. Within her academy “Crisam” in Verona, Ermelina obtained accreditations in Beauty, Artistic, and Bridal makeup. 

From that moment on, she started working in the fantastic world of beauty and weddings, caring for brides, models, and women who love feeling pampered with a taste of precious art, like makeup. 
She also attended some other academies to refine her makeup style, like MUD makeup designory, where she got the qualification in “Essential of beauty” and “Essential of hair”, and BCM Beauty Center Milan, where she got the qualification as Visagiste. 

The makeup world is a continuous evolution of techniques, trends, and products; this is why she likes to get updates every year, thanks to masterclasses and workshops with the best makeup artists in Italy and Europe, like Omar Turrini, Chiara Bullo and Iryna Soroka who taught her unique and valuable techniques that made her decision to become a makeup artist the real and concrete choice of her life. Ermelina primarily works in the wedding environment, where her style is well-refined, sophisticated and tailored to each bride. With the same motivation and passion, she creates makeup for professional photo shoots. 

Collabs: Francesco De Sole & AlexArte - and she is beauty-consultant for the cosmetic brand Eucerin. Furthermore she works as skin-specialist consultant for the brands VICHY and La Roche Posay.